2D Art

With rich values and a semi-realistic art style, my 2D illustrations bring your characters and worlds to life for experiencing and sharing!⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: Decide what kind of art commission you want, and I will draw it using the provided characters, prompts, and references. Screenshotted WIPs will be regularly shared via DMs. The final result comes with a watermark-free copy, at high-quality resolution (1080p minimum, 300-350dpi), and signed by yours truly.Typical art pieces will be provided in PNG format, &/or .GIF if looping/animated. Specialized files (ie. .PSD and .MOC3 for 2D models), will be provided as needed.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰

The Basics

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Bust: 15USD
Full-Body: 30USD
Additional Character: +50% each
Diorama (complex background): +50%
- Base price includes the character at their respective cut-off, and a simple/gradient abstract background, which can cover as much or as little of the canvas as the client wants.
-The Diorama adds an isolated complex background for the character to exist in/on. Typically isometric, but can be customized into different looks ie. a snowglobe.
Status: WIP

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Bust: 35USD
Half-Body: 55USD
Full-Body: 70USD
Additional Character: +70% each
Detailed Background: +60%
Final Effects: +5%
- Base price includes the character at their respective cut-off, and a simple/gradient/abstract background, which can cover as much or as little of the canvas as the client wants.
- A detailed background implements the character(s) into a believable world for better immersion, alike a scene or screenshot-esque.
- The final effects add-on is primarily for fake screenshots, which implements a subtle and simple, yet powerful, cinematic effect to the final artwork. Fake screenshots Includes letterbox bars, a faint monitor overlay, and subtitles of your choice (Maximum of 3 lines). Final effects also covers other digital effects like glitches, anaglyphs, etc. specified by the client
Status: WIP

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Bust: 50USD
Half-Body: 80USD
Full-Body: 100USD
Additional Character: +75% each
Detailed Background: +60%
Final Effects: +5%
- Base price includes the character at their respective cut-off, and a simple/gradient/abstract background, which can cover as much or as little of the canvas as the client wants.
- A detailed background implements the character(s) into a believable world for better immersion, alike a scene or screenshot-esque.
- The final effects add-on is primarily for fake screenshots, which implements a subtle and simple, yet powerful, cinematic effect to the final artwork. Fake screenshots Includes letterbox bars, a faint monitor overlay, and subtitles of your choice (Maximum of 3 lines). Final effects also covers other digital effects like glitches, anaglyphs, etc. specified by the client.
Status: WIP

【Mysterious Grab-Bag/Freestyle Illustration】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Base Price: x≥40USD- Offer any upfront payment of/over 40USD, as well as character/environment references, moodboards &/or music. I will explore the canvas and see what happens!
- This type of commission allows me full creative freedom. Perfect if you're looking for my interpretation of a world/character/concept, something different from the above options, or simply don't want to deal with the back and forth of WIPs.
Status: WIP


【Emojis/Emotes, Badges/Buttons, etc.】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Individual Asset: 30USD
4-pack: 100USD
Animated Image/GIF: +15%- Assets are perfect for customized visuals of varying uses. Examples include Emojis, Badges, Buttons, Banners, Thumbnails, UI/HUDs/overlays, etc.
- Every fourth asset ordered in the same commission is discounted, ie. a custom 8-pack of Twitch emotes is 200USD
- Animation loops are simple but loopable movement to bring the visual to life, like sparkles & other effects that you want to make pop with a GIF (cannot exceed 60 total frames, nor 3 unique frames)
Status: WIP

【Character Reference/Turn-around Sheet】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Cartoonish: 60USD
Lined: 100USD
Key Expressions/Emotes: +13% each
Key Accessories: +7% each
Alternative Outfits/Layers: +25% each
Full-bodied Side View: +45%
Full-bodied 3/4 View: +45%
New/Custom Character Design from scratch: +25% of total
- A 2D full-body in the A-pose or T-pose, providing a clear reference for comics, models, etc.
- Base price includes colouring with rudimentary lighting, a colour palette, & static posing in the front & back views with a side face profile for one character. Background is a solid/gradient colour of the client's choosing at no extra cost, along with a light outline around the character for ease of referencing
Status: WIP/Closed

【Character Background】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Base Price: 60USDDifferent lightings/times/weather: +5% each
Animated image/GIF: +15%
Window/Pop-up for Chat: +5%
Source File for (re)moving props around: +10%
- A background gives your character(s) or persona an extra breath of life, with a splash of colour! Designed primarily for streaming/recording, but can also work for visual novels & more.
- Base price includes a single detailed room with one window (or a detailed landscape), one lighting/time/weather (ie. rainy nighttime) and a blur effect (if any)of the client's preference.
Status: WIP/Closed

【2D Character Model.】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Bust: 1500USD
Half-Body: 2000USD
Full-Body: 2500USD
No character reference/solidified design: +30%
Additional Expressions: +5% each
Additional Limbs: +10% each (pair)
New/Alt Hairstyle: +10%
New/Alt Outfit (includes clothes, accessories, shoes, etc): +25%
Additional Add-ons (ie. hand-held accessory): +5%
- Character must be humanoid/anthro
- Wings, tails, & other extremities count as additional limbs
- Price includes standard rigging/movement, 4 expression toggles (Neutral, Happy, Angry, Sad), intro card/reference sheet, the model illustration, & of course layer separation. Perfect for VTubers!
- A character reference sheet/solid front-facing concept art is recommended to provide the artist clear visuals of what you want
Status: WIP/Closed

Literary Works

Original Writing

My style of creative writing emphasizes character development/interaction and their experiences, with rich text that provides in-depth immersion through the use of vivid imagery.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: establish a minimum word count you will pay for, and I will write to it as closely as possible using the provided characters & prompt. The outline/draft will be shared via Google Docs, or DMs if necessary.Minimum word count cannot be less than 100 words, & currently cannot exceed 10,000 words.Price: $.05 per wordExample: A 1,000w one-shot would be 50USD༻♇༺
Status: WIP


Works similarly to original writing, but with me providing constructive feedback while paying exceptional attention to detail to ensure you're content with the provided draft (Your piece doesn't have to be a full-on story for me to consider proofreading though!)⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: All proofreads are paid for upfront, calculated with the starting wordcount. The outline/draft will be shared via Google Docs, or DMs if necessary, as will my commentary & suggestions.Minimum word count cannot be less than 100 words, & currently cannot exceed 50,000 words.Price: $.03 per wordExample: A 2,000w one-shot fanfic would be 45USD༻♇༺
Status: WIP


Tentative placeholder (TBA)⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: All proofreads are paid for upfront, calculated with the starting wordcount. The outline/draft will be shared via Google Docs, or DMs if necessary, as will my commentary & suggestions.Minimum word count cannot be less than 100 words, & currently cannot exceed 50,000 words.Price: 10USD per lineExample: A traditional 5-7-5 haiku would be 30USD༻♇༺
Status: WIP


Characters from provided models/references are faithfully brought to life through animated movements and creative ideas, while utilizing my own experienced creativity to ensure satisfaction.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: Decide what medium you want, and I will work with you to make it happen. If in 3D, then the models must be provided. If in 2D, then references are strongly recommended. Both mediums also require audio to be provided, either via .mp3 or YouTube. Screenshotted WIPs and shared clips will be provided via DMs.

Efficient Quality/Quantity

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
2D: 160USD per 10 unique frames
3D: 80USD per 10 unique frames
- Quality over quantity. A short clip or loop with repeated movements.
- Base price covers 1 character & in-betweening
- Additional unique frames after 20 will cost +75%.
Status: WIP/Closed

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
2D: 80USD per 10 unique frames
3D: 40USD per 10 unique frames
- A lower quality, but more efficient for conveying ideas & stories (or funnies)
- 2D uses only rough lines and grayscale/simple concepts. 3D only moves via key frames
- Base price covers 1-2 characters
Status: WIP/Closed

High Quality

【Full-on Animation】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
2D: 400USD per 10 unique frames
3D: 200USD per 10 unique frames
- All in! Lines, colours, life-like movements & rendering with shading/in-betweens
- Base price covers 1 character & 1 background
Status: WIP/Closed

3D Art

One of the overall most expensive, complex & time-consuming categories, but most rewarding; versatile & ideal for pose references, background/scene design, VTubers, stills, animations, 3D printing ie. tabletop miniatures, etc.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: Inform me of what you want modeled into the 3D world, and I will work with you to make it happen. Screenshotted WIPs and shared clips will be provided via DMs.The final result will be provided in file formats such as .FBX, .blend, &/or .STL depending on the product's purpose.

【Character Model】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Humanoid: 800USD
Other: 1000USD
No A-/T-pose Reference: +30%- Base price includes modeling, sculpting, textures/painting, & standard rigging༻♇༺
Status: WIP/Closed

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Static Prop: 120USD
Dynamic Prop: 250USD
- TBA༻♇༺
Status: WIP/Closed

⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
Indoors: 1500USD
Outdoors/Other: 1800
- TBA༻♇༺
Status: WIP/Closed


For commissions that may fit into neither or multiple of the existing categories.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰How this commission works: Due to the existing variety, it depends on the individual type of commission. ie. if you like how I've designed my own website, but aren't sure how to go about creating your own, then you've come to the right place! Regardless of the commission, I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure high-quality and satisfaction.The final result may also vary depending on the commission.

【Carrd Website Design】
⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰
25 Elements: 50USD
50 Elements: 100USD
Additional Sites/Pages (3 Total): +30% each
Pro Features: +75%
- Base price includes Carrd's free features, 1 site, up to 25 or 50 elements, and a Gmail to personalize post-commission.
- Pro features are only available if the client is willing to pay for/upkeep subscription. Any of the premium plans count.
- As an example: the PlutoniumElysio website consists of ~50 elements on 2 sites/pages.
Status: Open

Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you are stating that you have read and agree with the implemented policies.⊱ ⊱ ⊱፥⊰ ⊰ ⊰• Payments are done through PayPal Invoice (USD). The upfront payment must be sent in advance before I begin work on your anticipated digital product.• Clients can discuss a written payment plan with me for works exceeding 200USD, usually comprising of 3 payments in exchange for discussed increments of progress. The first payment is 50% upfront, & the remaining two 25% each. A non-refundable late fee (+1.5% of the commission cost) will apply each month the client fails to pay a pending invoice/payment within 30 days.• No cancellations once I've started. Refunds are not accepted unless:
» I have not started your commission.
» I have created something completely wrong/different than what was specified.
» You have not received your order after 2 months.
» I for whatever reason am unable to complete your order.
• Chargebacks are not permitted, as they are a common scam tactic against freelancers. I will use PayPal's built-in feature to refund the invoice myself.• Do not claim the commission as your own. Credit is required, via the provided watermarked copy or explicitly mentioning/linking to my account(s). I retain ownership of the work itself.• Unless stated otherwise, I have the right to upload commissioned works &/or their creation process to my portfolio and social media. (Example of otherwise would be delaying my BTS for art assets on an upcoming videogame.)• Tight deadlines (a demanded turnover of x<2 weeks) incur an additional charge of +30%.• Requests to revise something already approved in the sketching/earliest phase may cost extra, depending on complexity. Rate for calculation is 25USD/hr.• Do not associate/utilize me or any of my works with AI generation, NFTs, cryptos, etc.